Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 3: Deliverables 1, 2, & 3

The above map shows the Mexican population density by state. I did not run into many major issues as the directions were very detailed and clear. I found the most interesting part of making this map was creating a new shapefile just for the Mexican states.

The above map shows central Mexico's high urban population areas, as well as it's railroads, major and primary rivers, and federal roads. I found it tricky to work with the legend at first, but quickly got the hang of it once it started to click. The annotations also gave me trouble. I had a hard time working with the world countries labels. The country name would disappear on me when I tried to select the annotation button. I was able to remedy this by checking the show label box in the properties area.

The map above shows the elevation of Mexico using stretched symbology. I chose the color scheme above because I thought it conveyed the appearance of elevation better than the other color schemes. This map was pretty straight forward and I did not run into any major issues or setbacks.

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